Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Plants emit positive vibes too

Choice of trees and the way they are planted have a bearing on good health

Devanshi Joshi.Ahmedabad/DNA

Monday, June 09, 2008

Plants and pots add to the charm of a house and enhance the ambience. If done the vaastu way, they can also contribute to the residents' wellbeing. Monsoon is on its way and its time to grow some greenery around you. Experts say plantation in gardens or indoors can be done in keeping with the vastushashtra method, which brings mental peace, positive energy, health, and monetary benefits.Vaastu experts in Ahmedabad suggest planting Ashoka tree, Christmas tree and neem in homes can bring good health and peace of mind, while indoor plants like bamboo can provide positive energy. Interestingly, a money plant near the living room or kitchen window can actually bring monetary prosperity.Vaastu analyst Sunil Prajapati says, "We Indians worship the banyan tree, pipal, tulsi etc. There is scientific proof that these have brought health and environmental benefits. However, with scarce space in urban areas, it is difficult to plant such big trees around homes. But indoor plants like bamboo, orchid and money plant also give mental peace." Planting of trees also needs to be done on vaastu parameters for the desired benefits. Viral Thakkar, another vastushashtra expert, says, "Vastushashtra suggests growing fruit plants like orange and apple around the kitchen or near the dining hall for health benefits." According to vastushashtra, the direction and situation of plants has a direct impact on its effects; like banyan tree planted in the eastern direction of the house can help fulfil desires, pipal and Ashoka in the west bring happiness and peace, while gulmohor and neem in the south are good for health and flower plants like rose, juhi and tulip near bedroom give mental peace. Vastushashtra also suggests one should avoid plants that ooze 'milk' like dhanturo and thorny plants like cactus, bijoru and khakhra.Nilam Sharma, a homemaker in Satellite, says, "I love plants, especially the good-looking ones. When I came to know about the benefit of vastushashtra through plants, I changed the situation of some indoor plants in my home."

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